Saturday, August 18, 2007

Network Heaven`

Remember these two? Maybe not. Visit them here. Two girlfriends, orphaned in the streets of Sanaa, the capital of Yemen. They come to mind again as I help Anne with her work at Network Heaven. A few years ago she stumbled over an opportunity to donate corporate goods, otherwise headed for the rubbish dump for minor quality infractions, to the poor and needy in places like Sri Lanka. Hence the emphasis placed on "network" - and for many of the recipients of her work it has indeed been a little taste of heaven. There are some quite amazing stories of how even simple things like unwanted golf umbrellas helped street vendors stay out of the sun after their stalls were washed away after the Asian Tsunami. Its all very inspiring stuff and aimed squarely at the likes of these two kids in the markets of Sanaa. Anne now has a blog that is telling a bit of the story. Its worth a little bit of "travel" to get across and have a look at what she is doing.


Anonymous said...

Did you ever hear about how their going or is this a sad story?


Anonymous said...

Is there any work being done by anyone to help orphaned children in Yemen?

Pickledeel said...

No idea what support these kids would get in Yemen. There seemed to be plenty of them about but they may have their own local resources. But I suspect these are a couple of sad cases - who knows what abuses they are having to put up with - at worst? Or at best, what neglect?

marymaddux6272 said...

I remember them. Recently, I had a couple of interviews into work that allow me to be an advocate for kids who have been abused or neglected. Sounded like just what I was looking for but then a few different factors caused me to have reservations.

I did get to spend a day volunteering with Project Homeless Connect again. Being able to meet, kindly greet, gather information, listen to needs and concerns, wish them well, pass them on to others allowing me to leave with no strings attached when it was time to go get my son worked well.

Don't have resolution or a decision about the job yet. Thanks for reminding me of these two. Their faces are inspiring.