Monday, April 09, 2007

Global Bedouin's Oasis: Marhaba - مرحبا - welcome

Now that was a new trick - creating a link from someone else's blog. I had better find out how to do that.

This blog caught my eye mainly because its author shares similar sentiments - a desire to let the creative juices loose and to be a little less focused on the day job and to "leave the creative desert" behind. Mind you I don't think I am quite at the point where I can indulge putting writing centre stage in my life. But the idea sure does have some appeal. Getting 70,000 words down part time takes a while!! And there are plenty more that still need to be captured and put onto paper before that particular project is completed.

global bedouin's oasis: marhaba - مرحبا - welcome

1 comment:

Coach Poppy said...

It is worth mentioning that the python skin pattern is unique - whether it is the natural color or hand-dyed, women tend to love the python bag will be lost in its beauty.