I am not sure how kosher or otherwise it is to be placing site traffic analysis up on the blog but I thought some of you might be interested in the dramatic difference a very small investment in
Bobby's site has made.
Specifically it started with the Premium Blog promotion that was responsible for this spike, since a lot, but not all of the traffic was coming via Bobby's new Random Blog button. And of course the more visible promotion of the Pickled Eel blog across his site helped, as has the "Best Blog of the Month" promotion which went up on his site later today. The graphic here shows traffic past and through (not everyone has a rummage around) the Pickled Eel Blog. It will be interesting to see what the trend looks like in three months but improved traffic is a good start. Now let's see how to make this site a little more "sticky" - feel free to pause a moment and leave any comments. Thanks Bobby.
wow nice spike. Hope it carries on. done well and thanks for tip about bobby's site.
learning to make money
Thanks for sharing your graph - I clicked through from Bobby's site after reading your comment. It's good to see the actual results of Bobby's hard work :) - and yours of course!
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