Panickers Travel - New Delhi

Perhaps the best place to start is in what many in the expat community in New Delhi call the Stinky Markets. Want a haircut? Easy. Want a current New Jersey drivers license? Even easier. How about one from, say Bolivia? "Very easy sir, we can do that" chorused at you in their sing-song lyrical tones. Need some number plates made up to look like a foreign diplomat's plate? - there is a fellow in there tapping away with a ball peen hammer and a steel punch who can help you out. "But very sorry sir, you will have to wait a day for that." All that plus seafood that is starting to get a bit stiff and slippery, goat meat, paper mache trinkets from the north, seasoning and spices from the south. All mixed up with a crowd of people doing nothing except milling around and looking like, well, they are milling around doing nothing. Need someone who can spell? Best go to another market for that!! But be assured that most travel in India is just as the sign advertises - PANICKERS travel. They do indeed.
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hahhah... Only punjabis can understand what BIBO BHUA is !!! ahahhaha.. Total Laugh no Stopage. Hillarious Jokes without any limit.
That is so true of Delhi! With all its ups & downs I love Delhi and its chaotic life and the disorder ! Come to think of it, it grows on you!
Don't you think so!
actually it depend on the money u have....
delhi is cool city.. and welcome everyone...
good post
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